
02 38224868

Welcome to Foods Foundation For Supplies Import

Foods Foundation For Supplies Import
Foods Foundation For Supplies Import

The company is engaged in importing raw materials from abroad, which are used in food and the history of the company founded in 2008 in this area
And it works with major factories such as dairy factories - meat - cheese - sauce - chocolate - and Cake
And working on the commitment of the supply in a timely manner and specific and has a large domestic market in Egypt. It has the finest raw materials imported from abroad because it works with international companies

Foods Foundation For Supplies Import
Our Company Mission
Our Company Mission


Working on the commitment in the supply in the appropriate deadlines and has a large domestic market in Egypt.

Our Company Vision
Our Company Vision


The company engaged in importing raw materials from abroad, which are used in food and the history of the company founded in 2008 in this area

Management Company
Management Company

Management Company

Exist in the Arab Republic of Egypt's Sixth of October City in the tenth district cooperatives

Our Products

Foods Foundation For Supplies Import

Our Clients

Foods Foundation For Supplies Import

Dairy factories

Meat plants

Cheese factories

Sauce factory

Chocolate factories

Cake factories

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